Accueil » To accommodate vacationers: Costa Rica implements reversible lanes on Route 27 in January

To accommodate vacationers: Costa Rica implements reversible lanes on Route 27 in January

Also brings back license plate-based traffic restrictions in the capital

par Yves Pepito Malette
1,6K vues

In anticipation of an increase in highway traffic volume due to the continuation of school holidays, Costa Rican authorities have implemented temporary traffic measures for the month of January.

A reversible lane system will be established on Route 27 leading to the beaches, while the license plate-based traffic restriction will return to the capital.

« The reversible lanes implemented on the crucial San José to Caldera highway will optimize traffic flow to accommodate the annual influx of vacationers. From January 1 to 31, the 47 kilometers between Pozón and the Ciudad Colón toll booth will allow traffic on four lanes towards San José. »

– Luis Amador-Jimenez, Costa Rican Minister of Public Works and Transport (Mopt)

Authorities have set the maximum speed limit at 60 km/h for the duration. Vertical signs and officers will regulate traffic in the reversible lanes, while alternative routes have been defined for those needing access to Caldera during the designated hours.

The routine license regulation system filters 20% of vehicles from metropolitan roads on given weekdays as a tactic to reduce emissions and traffic. It was temporarily suspended during the end-of-year holiday period when reduced traffic allowed smooth movement.

However, with schools still on holiday and Route 27 expected to channel significant tourist traffic, both measures aim to prevent traffic jams and undue hazards at least until the end of January.

Officials urge road users to plan accordingly and exercise the utmost caution under modified traffic patterns.

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