Accueil » Costa Rican Jennifer Berrocal plans to climb Everest

Costa Rican Jennifer Berrocal plans to climb Everest

Motivated by the desire to better know herself and help the world

par Yves Pepito Malette
1,5K vues

Recently demonstrating remarkable boldness and determination, 37-year-old Jennifer Berrocal from Heredia, Costa Rica, has emerged as a true national icon. Last October, she ascended Ama Dablam, an imposing peak in the Himalayas, establishing a historic precedent for her country.

Her next challenge? Nothing less than climbing Mount Everest, planned between April and May next year. If she succeeds, she will become the first Costa Rican woman to conquer the world’s highest peak, standing at 8 849 meters. However, Jennifer’s ambition goes far beyond simply conquering mountains.

At the heart of her adventures lies a deep desire to discover herself and an altruistic commitment to a noble cause: raising awareness about organ donation. Jennifer is moved by the increasing number of people waiting for transplants and wishes to use her visibility to encourage more people to become donors.

«Did you know that hundreds of thousands of people around the world are on waiting lists for an organ transplant, but the supply of donor organs falls far short of the demand? One donor can save up to eight lives and improve the lives of up to 75 other people. I want to use the challenge of climbing Everest to raise awareness so that more people agree to be organ donors,» Jennifer Berrocal highlighted to us.

In an exclusive interview with Mag506, we asked her to talk about the biggest challenge she anticipates in her Everest climbing challenge. Jennifer Berrocal shared this with us:

«The biggest challenge I anticipate would be the physical challenge and the financial aspect, but I will work very hard over the next four months and train intensely to be able to progress at a good pace on Everest. It will be important to have enough energy not only to reach the summit but also to descend, which was the most difficult for me at Ama Dablam.»

Her passion for mountaineering is not new. Before her feat at Ama Dablam, Jennifer had already made a name for herself in the world of mountaineering, notably through her repeated ascents of Cerro Chirripó, the highest point in Costa Rica at 3 820 meters above sea level, and her expeditions in Peru to Pico Mateo. Her rigorous preparation, combining intense physical training and controlled nutrition, reflects an unwavering discipline and determination.

The young woman, marked by courage and determination, currently resides in Toronto, Canada. She describes Canada as her adopted country. She works for a company there, named Shore Consulting. Everywhere she goes, she proudly carries the flag of Costa Rica, but also that of Canada, which she cherishes a lot.

Jennifer Berrocal is not only an accomplished athlete but also a source of inspiration. Between yoga, travel, and mountaineering, she has found a true calling in the mountains and a way to explore the limits of her own identity. Her story, marked by courage and resilience, is a model for all those seeking to excel themselves and contribute positively to the world.

Climbing Everest, the world’s highest peak, represents a major challenge due to its very high altitude which causes a thinning of the air and increases the risks of altitude-related illnesses. Jennifer Berrocal will also have to face extreme weather conditions, with low temperatures and unpredictable snowstorms. Physical dangers, such as falling rocks and ice, as well as difficult technical passages, add to the complexity of the ascent.

The congestion of popular routes can also pose a problem, increasing the risk of accidents. In addition, climbers must manage health issues like fatigue and frostbite, while dealing with demanding logistics and preparation necessary for a successful expedition.


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