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3,414 drivers sanctioned for being caught engaging in another activity while driving

Costa Rica authorities advise: Be attentive and keep your hands on the wheel!

par Yves Pepito Malette
886 vues

Costa Rica – While driving, people should primarily focus on operating their vehicles safely and attentively. However, some individuals engage in distracting or dangerous behaviors while driving, which can increase the risk of accidents.

This is what the traffic police and the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MOPT) of Costa Rica is reminding in a press release.

For example, transporting pets on your lap while driving can be dangerous and result in a fine of ₡124,000 (USD 230). In Costa Rica, this offense is punished in the same way as using a mobile phone while driving.

Although using a mobile phone while driving is the most common behavior for which drivers are caught in the act, it is true that it is not the only circumstance.

This fine is also imposed when drivers carry their pets on their laps or, in the case of smaller animals, when they hold them on their shoulders or arms.

According to traffic authorities, the law does not establish regulations on how to transport pets, but it specifies what not to do while driving.

Traffic authorities warn about the danger of having a free-roaming pet in the vehicle, jumping, scratching, biting, or reacting unexpectedly, which can lead to the driver losing control.

In these scenarios, it is recommended that the animal not be free. It is recommended to use a device to secure the pet in the rear seat.

MOPT also reminds that while driving, people should primarily focus on operating their vehicles safely and attentively. However, some individuals engage in distracting or dangerous behaviors while driving, which can increase the risk of accidents. These activities are not recommended and may even be illegal in many places.

  1. Sending text messages or using a smartphone: Sending text messages, browsing the internet, or using apps on a smartphone while driving can lead to severe distractions and is one of the leading causes of accidents.
  2. Talking on the phone: Even hands-free phone conversations can be distracting as they divert the driver’s attention from the road.
  3. Eating and drinking: Attempting to eat or drink while driving can cause you to let go of the wheel and take your eyes off the road.
  4. Grooming: Some people try to apply makeup, shave, or engage in other grooming activities while driving, which can be extremely dangerous.
  5. Reaching for objects: Trying to reach for items in the backseat, on the floor, or in the glove compartment can take your eyes and hands off the road.
  6. Road rage: Aggressive and confrontational behaviors towards other drivers can increase tension and lead to dangerous situations.
  7. Love on the road: Engaging in intimate gestures and kissing another person while driving can lead to poor coordination of driving. You might unintentionally press the brake, gas, or steering wheel inappropriately.

So, dear friends of the road, remember: driving requires your full attention. Leave the juggling to circus professionals and focus on the road. After all, the only performance that truly matters is arriving safely at your destination.

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